Show: (deck/flies/automation)

We offer complete showdecks as well as various components such as screens, travellers, wagons, lifts, revolves, ring and floor tracks

We produce all parts to operate, control, move and construct for the showdeck.


In a showdeck various moving elements are integrated. We build and test the complete set in our shop including the wooden floor. For a tour we add some special options.

We made all kind of wagons drives by floortracks, (wireless) frictiondrives with and without track or monorail.

Travellers we made with skates driven by a frictiondrive, winch or toothbelt.

Curtain and kabuki systems are also part of our proposal.

We made interfaces to show automation and projection systems.

Tourdesk and modular drive rack

Specially for touring productions the Composer Tour was developed allowing it to be integrated into the main cabinet. The modular drive rack can easilly be connected to the rest of the system. Alternativly the table model desk with integrated touch screen could be specified.

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