
About STS

Welcome to Silicon Theatre Scenery B.V. (STS), the place where magic is automated and dreams come to life on stage. Founded in 2001 – initially in partnership with Joop van den Ende Theaterproductions BV – STS has developed into a global leader in theatre automation, unmatched from West End to Broadway.

A stage across the globe

At STS, we are proud of our behind-the-scenes role in more than 50 breathtaking shows, including such classics as Tarzan, The Lion King, Mamma Mia, and The Phantom of the Opera, to name just a few. Our technology and expertise take each show to the next level, working with renowned producers such as Disney, Stage Entertainment, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and Cameron Mackintosh.

Our innovative lifting systems and tensile walls play a quiet yet crucial role in theatres worldwide, including Theater de Kampanje in Den Helder, the prestigious DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam, Orpheus Theater in Apeldoorn, Theater Diligentia in Den Haag and the iconic Koninklijk Concertgebouw.

Innovation and continuity: our trademarks

What sets STS apart is our unique approach to theatre production. We pioneer the integration of chain hoist and performer fly installations, using standard prefabrication modules that not only revolutionize installation and maintenance, but also bring the mesmerizing experience seamlessly to the stage.

Since our founding, the beating heart of our organization – our automation platform – has remained unchanged, a testament to our commitment to continuity and reliability. Our systems and network connections maintain a familiar look and feel, reassuring operators and performers alike with an unparalleled user experience.

Innovatie en continuïteit: onze handelsmerken

Wat STS onderscheidt, is onze unieke benadering van theaterproductie. We pionieren met de integratie van kettingtakel- en performer fly installaties, gebruikmakend van standaard prefabricatie modules die niet alleen een revolutie teweegbrengen in installatie en onderhoud, maar ook de betoverende ervaring naadloos naar het podium brengen.

Sinds onze oprichting is het kloppend hart van onze organisatie – ons automatiseringsplatform – onveranderd gebleven, een bewijs van onze toewijding aan continuïteit en betrouwbaarheid. Onze systemen en netwerkverbindingen behouden een vertrouwde look & feel, die zowel operators als artiesten geruststelt met een ongekende gebruikservaring.

A team driven by passion

At STS, we know that behind every successful show is a team of passionate, dedicated professionals. From engineers to technicians to project managers to our support staff, at STS everyone shares a common vision: to make the impossible possible on stage. This shared passion is what inspires us every day to push boundaries, challenge what is known and innovate with every opportunity we get.

The atmosphere at STS is one of openness, creativity and mutual respect. We celebrate our successes together, learn from our challenges, and support each other unconditionally. It is this unique culture of collaboration and commitment that allows us to create magical stage experiences time and time again. We encourage curiosity, share knowledge, and work together as one driven force to spark the imagination of audiences and meet the high expectations of the theatre world.

Our projects

STS’s strength lies not only in its technology, but also in the versatility of the projects to which we contribute. From enchanting musicals that stimulate the senses to profound operas and plays that touch the heart. From dynamic presentations and music exhibitions that enlighten the mind to modern theatrical events that literally steal the show.

Each project is a new adventure, an opportunity to push our technological boundaries and contribute to the charm of live entertainment. It is this diversity that makes our work at STS so special, challenges us and drives us to constantly innovate.

Our products

At STS, we transform creative visions into technical reality with an arsenal of cutting-edge products. Our specialization includes (but is certainly not limited to) automation systems that are the heart of any production, turntables that bring the stage to life, cranes and elevators that reach new heights, and performer fly systems that defy gravity. Our sliders and show deck tracks/wagons provide seamless transitions, while our hoists and travelers move every set piece effortlessly.

Not to mention bleachers that give every spectator the best view. Every STS product is designed not only to be functional but also to contribute to the magic of the show, making every moment unforgettable.

Onze producten

Bij STS transformeren we creatieve visies in technische realiteit met een arsenaal aan geavanceerde producten. Onze specialisatie omvat (maar is zeker niet beperkt tot) automatiseringssystemen die het hart van elke productie vormen, draaischijven die het podium tot leven brengen, kranen en liften die nieuwe hoogtes bereiken en performer fly systemen die de zwaartekracht tarten. Onze sliders en showdeck sporen/wagons zorgen voor naadloze overgangen, terwijl onze takels en travellators elk decorstuk moeiteloos bewegen.

En niet te vergeten: de tribunes die elke toeschouwer het beste zicht bieden. Elk STS-product is ontworpen om niet alleen functioneel te zijn maar ook om bij te dragen aan de magie van het spektakel, waardoor elk moment onvergetelijk wordt.

De future of theatre

We’d love to take you on our ongoing journey, where innovation, passion and craftsmanship come together to make each piece of theater exceptional. Learn more about our projects, our people and how together we can shape the future of theater.

Welcome to the world of Silicon Theatre Scenery – where the art of theatre meets technology.

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